Monday, September 27, 2010

Hot Flash Prayers

So lately I've been experiencing the onset of the dreaded M. Most of it I can hack but the hot flashes? Ummm... not so much. I've never been keen on being hot in any case so when I'm just sitting there and suddenly feel like my whole body is erupting into flame for no reason, well, let's just say I feel a little hostile about it. My poor guys. (side note here: I have already experienced more M symptoms at 38 than my mom who is in her 60s! SO NOT FAIR!)

Anyway, I was catching up with my friend, Robin, on Friday and filling her in on this recent development in my aging process. Robin is slightly older than I am and has already experienced this particular phase of life. She told me that the hot flashes were the worst part of it for her as well and then proceeded to share with me the strategy she uses for them.


Now I know you're thinking "oh seriously?" But really... hang in there with me on this.

She said, "I just started treating them like I would fasting. Everytime I would start in on a hot flash, I would use that time to remember to pray for something, like you do when you feel hungry when you're fasting. At least that way, it's something productive."

I love Robin. She is one of those prayerful, sweet, godly women in my  life who has a great sense of humor and just always brings peace when I talk to her. She also happens to be a long time pastor's wife and very wise. So even though at first her idea hit me as a little... well... silly (sorry, Robin!) I gave it a shot.

And you know something? This weekend I prayed each time a hot flash hit. Instead of complaining, I focused on praying for someone I knew needed prayer. I prayed in my head while driving, eating, crocheting, watching TV, reading, cleaning, etc. I felt calmer and more grounded. And the hot flashes weren't sending me into the pity party they had been before.

I realized that with life having been so busy lately, I haven't been very good at getting in focused prayer time like I usually do. I've really felt it in my attitude and outlook on things. The hot flashes, while hormonally induced, seemed to be God's way of getting my attention again and remembering to "praise Him in the storm."

So there you go. Yeah, I'm still having hot flashes but darn it all, I'm praising God through them and lifting up prayers all day (and most of the night)! If you've asked for prayer from me lately, be sure you are getting it and send up a prayer of thanks to God and Robin for me! :) ha ha ha

October 3, 2010
Got this message from Robin today about the Hot Flash Prayers and had to add it here! :)

I just read your blog on hot flash prayers. :)!!! Praising Jesus for His hand on our lives. Was wonderful to see how He customized the principle of "hot flash praying" for you. You took it to a whole other level. My hot flashes are so intense (strong wave of nauseousness comes with mine), that pretty much the only prayer I can get out is, "Lord, glorify yourself through this". The CRAZY AMAZING thing with this, is the way I got to see Him answer that "survival" prayer. The way God is using it in your life, I believe, is a direct answer to my continued, repetitious, desperate, heart-felt hot flash prayer of "Lord glorify yourself through this..." Always amazed at how God works. He's bonded us in so many ways...leave it to Him to bond us and let us experience His glory through something like hot flashes. :) Brings a whole new dimension to the phrase- "on fire for Jesus" he he he!!!

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