You've had them. One of THOSE kinds of days. Where EVERYTHING seems to go wrong. Murphy works overtime on all your carefully constructed plans. Some of us get more than a fair share of those days. I do. I'm sure they teach us to be flexible - but good criminy, there are days when I feel like God wants me to be Gumby and I'm more like the wooden toy soldier.
For the most part, I've just accepted that this is just a fact of my life. There is a family joke that Endersens just have bad luck. Our percentage for random catastrophe is higher than average. Getting married and changing my last name to Hendrickson didn't somehow alter my genetic material and sweat out the bad luck gene. Most of us Endersens just learn to laugh and roll with it. Eventually.
Now recently I've gotten into the show Gene Simmons' Family Jewels on MTV. I've never listened to KISS, nor could I probably tell you the name of ANY of their songs. I'd probably be shocked to recognize one if I had. I wasn't looking for the show. I just happened across it one night when I couldn't sleep. I love that family. They are so real... flaws and all. It's all out there. And they are HYSTERICAL!!! Gene in his feetie pajamas has to be one of the funniest and most adorable things I've ever seen. None of these people are perfect and I love that they're not really trying to be or make you believe that they are. Finally. Celebrities who are "real" people. ("Real" people with millions of dollars, a plastic surgeon, a house the size of a WalMart and who knows how much STUFF, true, but they're still pretty "real." )
But even they have THOSE kinds of days. Yes. The other night I was laughing so hard as Gene's car broke down on his way to Vegas for a premiere show starring him. There he was, stranded in the desert with no cell service and 6 hours 'til showtime. Now mind you, he'd decided to DRIVE himself (not use a driver) so that he could have "quiet" time to learn the words to the songs he was supposed to sing that night. Even though his "wife" and his assistant begged him to have someone else drive him.
There he was. No one would stop for him (maybe they were put off by the camera crew with him). He starts walking down that hot highway and FINALLY someone stops. A lady truck driver who recognizes him instantly and manages to finagle getting him to stop by her house to meet her boyfriend who is a HUGE KISS fan. That 2 minute drags out as they take pictures and Gene asks to use their phone (which they don't have because no one ever calls them). With his characteristic class, Gene manages to extricate himself from the house and gets to the nearest phone at a truck stop and calls someone to come and get him. Who shows up? Carrot Top. Who promptly gets them lost on the way to Vegas. Gene FINALLY shows up nearly an hour late to his show (where the audience is chanting "we want Gene!" and his managers are sweating and cursing like crazy, leaving him message after message after message...)
Meanwhile, back at his house, the girls (Shannon, Tracy and Gene and Shannon's daughter Sophie) discover a massive water leak in his office that has ruined several of his prized KISS artifacts. It wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been because Shannon had been trying to do plumbing repair herself earlier that day and Gene had been giving her crap about it before he left. So the rest of the show - as we are watching Gene slowly NOT make his way to Vegas, we get blips of his drowned office and the girls' mad rush to nearby KISS fan collections to see if they can replace what has been damaged before Gene gets home.
In the end, Gene gets to his show and pulls it off. The girls get the stuff replaced and the office cleaned up in time. But somehow they miss his office chair so as he walks in and walks by all the replaced stuff not noticing that they are replacements, he sits down and a wave of water hits the floor.
I was laughing so hard... How many days have I had like that? How many times have I had to eat crow because I did it "my" way when I was wisely advised to do it a better way and I totally paid for it. How many times has one thing after another gone wrong?
Yeah, it's not just us. These things happen to everyone. Even the God of Rock... Gene Simmons.
Maybe I need to get some feetie pajamas to wear on days like that. :)
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